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Performance implication of LIKE query when operating on a subset of full table

mysql not like does not work

mysql select sql-like

Returning records that partially match a value

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How to use "like" and "not like" in SQL MSAccess for the same field? [closed]

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How to escape string while matching pattern in PostgreSQL

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SQL LIKE query in Tarantool

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Like condition in LINQ

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Does SQL Server optimize LIKE ('%%') query?

How to search for "%" in sql table-column

sql-server sql-like

SQL-Server is ignoring my COLLATION when I'm using LIKE operator

MySQL LIKE with range doesn't work

mysql sql-like

SQL Like and like

php sql sql-like

Codeigniter like, or_like doesn't work with where

How to form a LIKE statement in SQLITE with a parameter in iphone iOS?

Full Text Search "Contains" is slower than "Like %"

VB.NET Like operator confusion with less-than sign in pattern

vb.net sql-like

Improving a SQL LIKE query performance

mysql sql performance sql-like

SQLite - how to return rows containing a text field that contains one or more strings?

Using SQLServer contains for partial words