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New posts in spring-saml

Behaviour of SAML when HTTP Server used for high availability

"Signature did not validate against the credential's key" with Junos as IdP

Spring SAML - how to add custom fields on the SP HTTP request?

Getting authentication object is null even after successfully login by IDP using SAML

How to do something after the login with Spring Security?

SameSite attribute break SAML flow

Add request parameter to SAML request using Spring Security SAML


ADFS spring-saml No AssertionConsumerService is configured on the relying party

adfs2.0 spring-saml

How to configuration of IDP metadata and SP metadata in Spring Security SAML sample?

Spring Security SAML using multiple subdomains to access the same application (same IP)

OpenSaml3 Documentation

how to configure both spring security basic authentication and SAML authentication using spring-sample example within same application

How to Check whether a valid session is still existing at IDP?

Metadata refresh deadlock (spring-security-saml)

Spring SAML extension for multiple IDP'S

SAMLException: NameID element must be present as part of the Subject in the Response message, please enable it in the IDP configuration

can I implement both SAML and basic spring security within an application?

Custom SAMLUserDetailsService not populating custom UserDetails