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New posts in spring-java-config

IntelliJ : How to enable JPAQL validation without persistence.xml?

PropertySource not available during ConditionalOnExpression evaluation

Define particular repository classes with EnableJpaRepositories

spring security oauth2 java config - Handler dispatch failed; nested exception is java.lang.StackOverflowError

The annotation @EnableSpringDataWebSupport does not work with WebMvcConfigurationSupport?

How can Spring life cycle methods be prevented when using Java Config?

Why do we have *Adapter classes in Spring Java Configuration when they are not Adapters in the general sense

How to configure spring security 3.2 to use dao authentication and custom authentication filter using java config

Spring-Boot + Spring-MVC + Thymeleaf + Apache Tiles

Set the welcome page for Spring MVC 4 with Java configuration

Access denied exception while trying to access the login page in spring security

how to create imap receiver adapter dynamically using spring boot?

Spring Java Config: configure already existing bean

spring spring-java-config

Spring Java config same Bean reference

How to @Autowired a List<Integer> in spring framework

Spring Security Java Config

Apache CXF + Spring Java config (no XML)

Weblogic datasource disappears from JNDI tree

Custom Authentication provider with Spring Security and Java Config