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New posts in spring-data-jpa

Why are Spring Data repository method parameters names not available even on Java 8?

Streaming query results closes prematurely - Spring Data JPA and Hibernate

Always use primitive object wrappers for JPA @Id instead of primitive type?

Spring Data REST - Detected multiple association links with same relation type

How to add custom methods to Spring Data Rest JPA implementation and leverage HATEOS support?

Why is ID not set in entity returned from spring-data-jpa save

Spring Data JPA - Get All Unique Values in Column

JPQL Join Fetch not working in ManyToOne association in Spring Data

Replacing deprecated QuerydslJpaRepository with QuerydslJpaPredicateExecutor fails

Autowiring into JPA converters

Hibernate updatable = false UUID field is updated

QueryDSL Predicate SetPath.any with multiple conditions

org.hibernate.AssertionFailure: null identifier @OneToOne relationship

Why is the version property not set with Spring Data JPA?

How to instrument / advice a Spring Data (JPA) repository?

Spring Boot JPA@CreatedDate @LastModifiedDate not being populated when saving the object

Spring-data-jpa storing blob

blob spring-data-jpa

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: value too long for type character varying(255)

Spring data jpa @transactional

How to fetch EntityGraph dynamically in Spring Boot