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Spring Data JPA - Get All Unique Values in Column

I have a project using Spring Data JPA that consumes data from a table full of addresses. One of the columns of this table is the city. I would like to get a distinct list of cities that are in the table i.e. SELECT DISTINCT city FROM address.

Is there a way to do this using Spring Data JPA?

like image 964
Samantha Catania Avatar asked Mar 06 '17 06:03

Samantha Catania

2 Answers

This can be achieved using the @Query annotation as:

public interface AddressRepository extends CrudRepository<Address, Long> {
    @Query("SELECT DISTINCT a.city FROM Address a")
    List<String> findDistinctCity();

Then, a call to addressRepository.findDistinctCity() would return the distinct city names.

A sample application is available on Github for review. Run integration test as mvn clean test to verify the approach.

like image 55
manish Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 05:09


Manish's comment should probably be bumped up to an answer (which i'll try to capture here since it ultimately solved my problem...although projections didn't seem to work with select distinct). The selected answer works in spring-data-jpa, but fails in spring-data-rest. One possible workaround for the spring-data-rest scenario is to create a separate @RestController for the select distinct results

public class AddressRepoAdditionals {
     private AddressRepository repo;

     public List<String> findDistinctCity() {
          return repo.findDistinctCity();

perhaps there's a similar but more elegant variation based on @RepositoryRestController

like image 43
jamey graham Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 05:09

jamey graham