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is there any lib exists for libspotify 12 for android java?

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What is the hm:// protocol?

SPLoginViewController to remember credentials

Access-Control-Allow-Origin denied spotify api [duplicate]

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Why are JSON requests to my external API being cancelled in my Spotify App?

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Spotify Apps API: any more documentation?

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Newest Spotify update: Autohotkeys script broke

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How to Drag & Drop from Spotify to Winforms app

Sending Keyboard inputs to Spotify whilst not in focus

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Remote control API for Spotify?


Lock Screen iPod Controls Not Working With Spotify Music Player

Stutter and track starts playing multiple times

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Missing information on Spotify Developer "Audio Analysis for a Track"

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Completing Spotify Authorization Code Flow via desktop application without using browser

React-Native Spotify SDK iOS: Dismiss auth window

Authorize Spotify using React and Nginx in Docker

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Playlist folder creation via Spotify Apps API

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Does libspotify support oauth


Is it possible to control the spotify desktop client from a browser with custom controls?
