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Adding own action to SonataAdminBundle dropdown menu

symfony sonata

CKEditor not showing with Sonata Formatter (Sonata Admin Bundle)

Child Admin route is not being generated - Sonata Admin Bundle

SonataMediaBundle - S3 AWS: 'The configured bucket "my-bucket" does not exist

Use Sonata Field Type on normal Form Class

Argument passed to controller must be an instance of ContainerInterface, instance of appDevDebugProjectContainer given

Sonata Date range

Exporting one to many relationship on sonata admin

Sonata Media Bundle missing entity Category

Handling multiple file uploads in Sonata Admin Bundle

sylius or sonata or custom for subscription based application

sonata_type_collection : set default field value from current entity instance

symfony sonata-admin sonata

Symfony Sonata Media Bundle add images/videos to a user

Adding a custom form inside the show template of a Sonata Admin Entity

Sonata admin bundle order