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creating inode while creating pipe, fifo or socket

linux sockets pipe inode

C++ Byte order in socket programming

c++ sockets endianness

Getting java.io.IOException: stream active in a client server Java socket program

read specific number of bytes from NetworkStream

sockets stream

Python icmp socket server (not tcp\udp)

python sockets

Why does this socket connection only allow 1 send and receive?

Python Application that Always Listen to Specific Port Number

python sockets service port

C- Socket : Programming a Client/Server-Application to send a file

Linux daemon localhost works but not the actual IP

c linux sockets service daemon

Sockets UDP: Using Sender Info from Recvfrom() in Sendto() Fails

c sockets udp

Reading all the data from a UDP socket

python sockets udp

How do I bind a socket to one available port?

python sockets bind

What is sa_family_t

c++ sockets types identifier

"available" of DataInputStream from Socket

Java: socket messages lost

java sockets

not able to show data in a jTextField

Proper way to shutdown() a socket on Linux, differences between Linux and Windows?

linux sockets flush

Socket communcation between C and Python

python c sockets pipe

Does a Socket InputStream read() unblock if server times out?

java sockets

In boost::asio, why are there no socket member functions for read/write?

c++ sockets boost boost-asio