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New posts in smtpclient

Cannot send email in ASP.NET through Godaddy servers

Send email using Outlook.com SMTP

NodeMailer queuing outgoing email, but email never sends

What could be reasons that Microsoft retired SmtpClient? [closed]

"The function requested is not supported" exception when using SmtpClient in Azure role

c# .net azure smtpclient

SmtpClient won't authenticate when inflated from web.config

asp.net smtpclient

Cause of TaskCanceledException with SendMailAsync?

c# async-await smtpclient

Execute default certificate validation when overriding ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback

How to use any email address in the FROM field while sending email through Gmail SMTP?

c# gmail smtpclient

Does System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient use SSL, TLS, StartTLS, or a combination?

Using SmtpClient, and getting "the target machine actively refused it"

c# .net smtpclient

SmtpClient very slow - about 2 seconds to send one very small email

c# .net email smtpclient

Why SmtpClient.UseDefaultCredentials is ignored?

c# smtp credentials smtpclient

What's the default timeout on the SmtpClient object?

.net smtpclient

Troubleshooting "The server committed a protocol violation" when sending mail with SmtpClient

c# asp.net smtpclient

An asynchronous module or handler completed while an asynchronous operation was still pending

SmtpClient.SendAsync - How to stop the application exiting before the callback is triggered?

c# smtpclient sendasync

How to validate smtp credentials before sending mail?

.net smtpclient

C# SMTP email sending code fails for Yahoo Mail but works fine for other servers, can anyone help?