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New posts in sharepoint-2013

How to change the deployment URL in a sharepoint hosted app later?

SharePoint 2013 Visual Studio Workflow not updating

SharePoint 2013 and Requirejs conflict

Create a folder in SP2013 using REST and HTTPClient

SharePoint REST show current user profile picture

'PrimitiveValue' node with non-null value was found when trying to read the value of a navigation property;

SP2013 SharePoint-hosted app Modal Dialog Error: Cannot read 'hiddenButtonValueBeforeDialog'

How do I find the Tenant ID of my SharePoint Online Account

Why SP.ClientContext().get_current throws uncaught typeError: undefined is not a function

How Retrieve Sharepoint List data using Jquery

SPAppToken (context token) is null

SharePoint on-premises 2013 REST authentication

SharePoint REST API filter based on Today's date only and not time. (Similar to IncludeTimeValue=False in CAML query)

rest sharepoint-2013

Sharepoint 2013 GetListItems web service returning a list of folders in library, instead of list of files within a folder

breeze.js & SharePoint 2013

Can't Uninstall Sharepoint Application - Invalid State