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New posts in self

Called child´s constant not available in static function in parent

Python: variables, inheritance, and default arguments

Macro capturing Self in block

Notice: Use of undefined constant self - assumed 'self' , When put in property_exists as the first argument

What does the 'self' keyword mean in WebWorkers

javascript web-worker self

Using class << self, when to use classes or modules?

ruby class module self

Python classes self.variables

python class self

Why does `class X: mypow = pow` work? What about `self`?

python methods self

Lua: colon notation, 'self' and function definition vs. call

function lua self notation colon

Javascript: Self and This

javascript prototype this self

Why 'self.self' compiles and run in swift?

Ruby self and method definitions

ruby self

Java: Self for static method calls within the same class

java class methods self

PHP Calling self on a non-static method

Why don't monkey-patched methods get passed a reference to the instance?

self in python decorators

python decorator self

IOS allocated objects is not referenced later in this execution path retain count +1

Lua self references

lua this self

Is there a tangible benefit to using "self" outside of closures?

ios swift self

Python - Timeit within a class

python self timeit