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New posts in self

static:: vs. self:: - are there any downsides?

What is .self after a class name used for? Swift 3

swift class self

How can I use `str.format` directly as `__repr__`?

passing self as an argument in a helper method

python class arguments self

Understanding self in Objective-C

Class instantiation and 'self' in python

Which is best $this or self or static when referencing const variable?

php static this constants self

Autonomous Software

c# self

Python error: missing 1 required positional argument: 'self' [duplicate]

python class self

How to count similar interests in MySQL

mysql sql join inner-join self

When to access property with self and when not to?

iphone objective-c ios self

What does the [SomeClass self] syntax do?

objective-c cocoa self

Python: must __init__(self, foo) always be followed by self.foo = foo?

python init self

Python 'self' for function

python idioms self

What is the value of self in a Rails model and why aren't obvious instance methods available?

ruby-on-rails ruby self

Difference between using self and not using self in Swift init

How can a class that inherits from a NumPy array change its own values?

Powershell objects: referencing Self

powershell object self

python global name 'self' is not defined

python variables self