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New posts in scalatest

illegal inheritance, how to design my hierarchy to create my UnitSpec

scala scalatest

How to specify number of checks to the forAll method in property checks

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Ambiguous implicit conversions causing compile failure in Scalatest and Argonaut.io

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scalamock mocking java interface method varargs

Can you capture and inspect arguments supplied to a method under test with ScalaMock?

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Scalamock: How to get "expects" for Proxy mocks?

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How to correctly use Spark in ScalaTest tests?

Play/Scala injecting controller into test

scala test - how to stub curry method

scala scalatest

Future's .recover not getting called when Exception is thrown in Mockito unit test

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How to break the build if test coverage fails minimum threshold?

scala sbt scalatest scoverage

ScalaTest console output in IntelliJ Idea

Some ScalaTests do not run from IDEA - NoSuchMethodError

How to set the PermSize for scalatest-maven-plugin?

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How can I write a Scalatest test to match the values in a list against a range?

scala scalatest

clear instructions on using scalatest with the simple build tool

scala sbt scalatest

Using a HavePropertyMatcher for collection elements in ScalaTest?

Manually exclude some test classes in sbt

scala sbt scalatest

ScalaTest: how to properly assert over Try values?


How do I run both ScalaTest and JUnit tests with Gradle?

junit gradle scalatest