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New posts in scala

Why does a scala val definition with a dot in it produce an error in a later stage than parsing?

scala syntax

Concise implementation of a function that returns its first argument in Scala


Calling Thread.sleep inside an actor

Scala list index

scala collections

Real alternatives to Clojure's concurrency primitives in Scala

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Returning "object" in scala

scala object

Scala trait: val/def and require

Is Queue.foreach properly ordered?

scala foreach queue

Why doesn't this pattern matching work as expected in Scala?

scala pattern-matching

How to log all incoming messages from Akka (Java)

java scala akka actor

How main.scala.html get called in Play Framework

Creating a unique index for a collection in reactivemongo

scala reactivemongo

Order of parameters to foldright and foldleft in scala


Why SBT gives me "not found: object akka" with "import akka._"?

scala sbt

Scala unpickling from string

scala scala-pickling

Sbt: compile using Java 6 and run using Java 7

scala jvm sbt

How to find the mode value of a list?

method overloading with a parameterized type


How to improve the code of "nested Try.. match "?

scala try-catch

Using unicode variables in Scala tuple assignment