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New posts in scala-java-interop

What do user-defined value classes look like from Java?

Traversable => Java Iterator

How do you get java method annotations to work in scala

Call Scala code from Java?

Can I access a Scala object's val without parentheses from Java?

Is this really the way to pass void functions to Scala methods from Java?

What are the guarantees for scala access qualifiers?

scala scala-java-interop

Use Scala constants in Java

How do I convert a java.util.Map to scala.collection.immutable.Map in Java?

Convert from java.util.Vector to a scala Seq

scala scala-java-interop

Calling a protected static Java method from Scala

scala scala-java-interop

How can I use a Java List with Scala's foreach? [duplicate]

Scala and Java futures apparently having unexpected interactions

Scala and Java Generics -- Extracting and returning nested types

Using Scala reflection with Java reflection

Difference in type erasure of List[Int] and List[Integer]

Using Scala type aliases from Java code

Implementing a Scala function in Java

Scala extra no-arg constructor plus default constructor parameters

Catch in Java a exception thrown in Scala - unreachable catch block