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New posts in scala-2.8

Enabling Migration Warnings

scala warnings scala-2.8

How to prevent actor starvation in the presence of other long-running actors?

reduce list of integers/range of integers in scala

Is there an analog in Scala for the Rails "returning" method?

Possible to code generic return types in Scala similar to C++ templates?

scala scala-2.8

Scala, make my loop more functional

Compile String to AST inside CompilerPlugin?

Use cases of Scala collection forwarders and proxies

How to manage DB related Exceptions in Play! 2.0/Scala using Anorm

Scala 2.8 Actor design document? Akka design document?

scala scala-2.8 actor akka

Is there a maintained immutable priority queue in Scala?

Move the implementation of a generic method to an abstract super class

generics scala scala-2.8

Iterators for mutable collections in Scala?

scala iterator scala-2.8

Scala 2.8 and Lift status

scala scala-2.8 lift

How do I form the union of scala SortedMaps?

Scala DSL, Object and infix notation

scala way to define functions accepting a List of different numeric types

Scala - implicit conversion of Int to Numeric[Int]

scala scala-2.8 numeric

Creating an O(1)-memory Iterable from an initial object and a function which generates the next object, in Scala