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What is a good example of saving game data in XNA 4.0?

c# xna-4.0 savestate

onSavedInstanceState vs. SharedPreferences

Fragment is recreate on back press from other Fragment

Saving Primefaces layout state

Restore State after process is killed

Does WebView saveState() preserve Javascript variables/environment?

Save Windows Form Size

Xcode remember what folders were collapsed / opened

Saving the state of a WebView and reloading the position

java android webview savestate

Saving scroll state of NestedScrollView

Android Fragment Back Stack

save the state when back button is pressed

Android: Save an instance state when app is closed [duplicate]

Save/Restore fragments state android

What is the best way to save game state?

c# unity3d savestate

How to use onSavedInstanceState example please

android savestate