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How to switch dependencies based on build profile

rust rust-cargo

Is it possible to change the log level for an application at compile time?

logging rust rust-cargo

How to run library tests and doc tests but not integration tests

rust rust-cargo

Json Serialization feature of chrono crate

Adding codegen flags to a Cargo build

rust rust-cargo

How difficult is it to allow parallel compilation of code with the Rust stable and nightly channels?

rust rust-cargo

Where does `multirust` install the Rust language source code?

rust rust-cargo

Specific profiles for workspace members

rust rust-cargo

cargo always starts with " Blocking waiting for file lock on build directory"

rust rust-cargo

What's the difference between Cargo's build and rustc commands?

rust rust-cargo

Portable binaries with Rust

Does rustc / cargo have a -march=native equivalent?

Can I tell the Rust compiler to ignore warnings only on files matching a specific name?

rust rust-cargo

How can I clean cargo stuff?

rust rust-cargo

How to fix Rust diesel cli link libpq.lib error on install

How to resolve "multiple matching crates for `package`" in cargo?

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found a virtual manifest at <path> instead of a package manifest

rust rust-cargo

What exactly is a 'crate' in the Cargo ecosystem and what is the mapping to what is on crates.io?

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Can I prevent cargo from rebuilding libraries with every new project?

rust rust-cargo

error: native library `openssl` is being linked to by more than one version of the same package

openssl rust rust-cargo