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New posts in rounding

Random rounding to integer in Python

Why is my number being rounded incorrectly?

Why does the order affect the rounding when adding multiple doubles in C#

rounding to an arbitrary number of significant digits in javascript is not working

Round to the next higher number

c# math rounding

Round a float UP to next odd integer

python numpy rounding

Rounding in steps of 20 (or X) in JavaScript?

javascript rounding

truncate decimal numbers in matlab?

matlab rounding

c++ rounding of numbers away from zero

c++ double rounding

Round a number to the next HIGHEST 10

c# numbers rounding

What is correct by common sense: (int) blabla * 255.99999999999997 or round(blabla*255)?

c++ c casting rounding floor

Java - How to round up float (or BigDecimal ) value by 0.5?

java rounding

Decimal places not rounding correctly - is this a LINQ to SQL bug?

Numpy rounds in a different way than python

PHP given a series of arbitrary numbers, how can I choose a logical max value on a line graph?

php math rounding

Swiss and Argentinian currency fourth decimal digit rounding

rounding currency precision

Round up to nearest power of 10

math rounding logarithm

Issues converting rounded float to string pandas

Does C standard's FE_TONEAREST rounding mode guarantee that halfway ties are rounded to even?

What are the under-the-hood differences between round() and numpy.round()?

python numpy rounding