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New posts in rnn

Simple example of CuDnnGRU based RNN implementation in Tensorflow

tensorflow rnn

LSTM Keras API predicting multiple outputs

RNN: What is the use of return_sequences in LSTM layer in Keras Framework

Teacher forcing with pytorch RNN

pytorch rnn

Stateful LSTM fails to predict due to batch_size issue

tensorflow keras lstm rnn

batch_input_shape tuple on Keras LSTM

python keras lstm rnn

How to visualize attention weights?

PyTorch: passing numpy array for weight initialization

How to build an embedding layer in Tensorflow RNN?

What's the difference between data time major and batch major?

calculating perplexity for training LSTM on penn treebank

lstm rnn penn-treebank

what exactly does 'tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper'' in tensorflow do? ( three citical questions)

How to extract cell state from a LSTM at each timestep in Keras?

What's the difference between input_shape and batch_input_shape in LSTM

implementing RNN with numpy

Keras reports TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'int'

Should RNN attention weights over variable length sequences be re-normalized to "mask" the effects of zero-padding?

How to add Dropout in Keras functional model?