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Rails 4 Carrierwave + RMagick, converting PDF to PNG changes file encoding but not extension?

In Rmagic how to add interline spacing on image with caption

ruby imagemagick rmagick

Can't launch using from RubyMine

ruby rmagick rubymine

Carrierwave PNG to JPG converter. How to avoid black background?

Heroku worker dyno giving R14 errors - problems with memory management - rmagick memory limit options

Use custom font in ImageMagick on Heroku

creating a ruby File object from Magick::Image

ruby rmagick rest-client

Rails 3.1 assets not recognizing new images uploaded by rmagick until server restart

How to programmatically remove the background of an image making it transparent in ruby?

ImageMagick multiline text and background image

RMagick - convert file to another format without saving to disk

How to convert an image to 1bit/px binary bitmap with ImageMagick or RMagick?

ImageMagick's warning when I start my rails server

ruby-on-rails ruby rmagick

R: Convert/Read 3D Matrix into a 'magick' object and vice versa

Is it possible to render multi-coloured emojis with ImageMagick?

text imagemagick rmagick emoji

Upgrade to Lion, failed to build gem native extensions

Positioning a caption over a background using Rmagick or ImageMagick

Rails: Requiring "RMagick" is deprecated. Use "rmagick" instead.FactoryGirl

no such file to load -- RMagick2.so

ruby-on-rails rmagick

Mac Rmagick won't install with Xcode 4.2