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New posts in retrofit

How to post text data, single image and multiple image in single POST method using retrofit in Android?

retrofit Basic auth with requestInterceptor

Custom gson deserializer for Date never gets called

How to post array parameters with Retrofit?


retrofit JSON to POJO

android json rest retrofit pojo

send multipart with files using retrofit:2.0.0-beta1

retrofit ! returning a generic observable type

Android Retrofit no response

java android json rest retrofit

SSL handshake exception retrofit android [duplicate]

Mutual authentication using Retrofit Android

Redo previous request when the first fails with 401 Unauthorized

How to cancel ongoing request in retrofit when retrofit.client.UrlConnectionClient is used as client?

android retrofit

failure : retrofit.RetrofitError: 307 Temporary Redirect?

java android retrofit

RxJava + Retrofit polling

android retrofit rx-java

Build errors with XML to java object converter dependency in build.gradle for retrofit

android xml retrofit

"Retrofit" multiple images attached in one multipart request

android multipart retrofit

Handle Network error with Retrofit observable

Retrofit: Unable to create @Body converter for class

java json retrofit retrofit2