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ProGuard - org.codehaus.jackson.map.JsonMappingException: No suitable constructor found for type

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How do I set the Content-Type on a camel-restlet producer request?

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Which framework should I use to run OData APIs on Android? [closed]

Using Freemarker with Restlet 2.0 in a Java EE server

Easiest frameworks to implement Java REST web services in 2014 [closed]

any frameworks to handle REST Client server list? [closed]

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Why use REST @Produces annotation

How do I send an error response in Restlet?

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Running JUnit Tests on a Restlet Router

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Remoting from a Swing app to GWT server

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Best Practice for creating Web Services

What is the best JAX-RS library?

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What Java REST framework to use with App Engine and Android for students? [closed]

Repeated calls by Restlet client to Restlet server hangs

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How to make Restlet client ignore SSL Certificate problems

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Add headers to request wrapped by ClientResource in Restlet

Serve dynamic generated images using restlet

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Sending binary data with the Restlet client

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