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New posts in restful-url

REST Security Design good practice when exposing resources ID

A "long" GET request with many parameters

Web API Best Practice for Deep Object Routes

How to return an Image to browser in rest API in JAVA?

spring restful-url java

Springboot with Sybase server - Cannot load driver class: com.sybase.jdbc4.jdbc.SybDriver

Rest URL Standards - Multiple Path Parameters

RESTful API - URI Structure Advice

api rest restful-url

Correct way of defining REST endpoints for user management

Java - Better way to parse a RESTful resource URL

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Should return empty list [] 200/204 or 404 in a Restful API design? [duplicate]

rest restful-url

Validate/Change Password via REST API

Alternative to <a href="#"> when the anchor tag only triggers a jQuery action without redirecting the user?

Test version of web API url

Best practices on using URIs as parameter value in REST calls

rest uri restful-url

RESTful API behavior for entitys with two independent primary keys

Multi-lingual REST resources - URL naming suggestions

rest restful-url

AngularJS Controller Error - : $http.get is not a function in controller section