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New posts in reloaddata

iOS - another thread needs to send reloadData to the mainthread

Is it not possible to put UISearchBar in UITableView header?

iOS: tableView.reloadData() doesn't work in swift

How to reload tableview using view controller (swift)

UITableView reloadData - cellForRowAtIndexPath not fired

self.tableView reloadData not working after successful call in AFNetworking

Reloading tableview data from custom cell

UICollectionView cells stay highlighted after reloaddata

Self Sizing Cells make UITableView jump

iOS: How to know reloadData() was completed its task?

How to reload data in a TableView from a different ViewController in Swift

Reload Table view cell with animation (Swift)

how to change height cell in uitableview without reload data

Reload a table view's data without clearing its selection state

ios uitableview reloaddata

reloadData only on tableView visible cells

ios uitableview reloaddata

Remembering scroll position on UITableView

TableView reloadData vs. beginUpdates & endUpdates

ios objective-c reloaddata

Swift UITableView reloadData in a closure

Iphone - when to calculate heightForRowAtIndexPath for a tableview when each cell height is dynamic?

How to keep UITableView contentoffset after calling -reloadData