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New posts in reflection

How to get the <?> value for a Foo<?> object?

java generics reflection

Creating generic variables from a type - How? Or use Activator.CreateInstance() with properties { } instead of parameters ( )?

C# How to determine if a type implements a given interface?

.net inheritance reflection

Why do I get Java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: wrong number of arguments while invoking a method with varargs using Reflection [duplicate]

java reflection

how to dynamically call a method while respecting privacy

ruby reflection visibility

ILSpy, how to resolve dependencies?

Java Reflections error: Wrong number of arguments

java reflection constructor

Using GetCurrentMethod in (supposedly) high-performance code

How to dynamically set a property of a class without using reflection (with dynamic) in C# 4 when property name is coming from another source

How to load a type from the type's name and the assembly's name

c# reflection

Get variable name. javascript "reflection"

How to parse a String variable into any data type in Java?

Nullable properties vs. Nullable local variables

c# reflection nullable

Is there a common Java method to trim every string in an object graph?

Get all the defined functions for an object

php reflection function

Check if object is from certain package

java reflection

Hibernate implementation. Are we paying the reflection penalty?

java hibernate reflection

How do I get the classname of an aspx page from inside a user control?

asp.net reflection

Why does Type.GetElementType return null?

c# reflection

Accessing the fields of a struct

c# reflection