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New posts in reflection

What are layout and size of a managed class's header in unmanaged memory?

c# reflection

Warn for every (nested) function with free variables (recursively)

How to get current class name/object inside PowerShell static class method?

powershell reflection

FieldInfo update subfield of field

Obtain java.lang.reflect.Executable of current or calling method?

java reflection java-8

Java reflection to call overloaded method Area.equals(Area)

java reflection equals

Get class constructor argument names

In Scala, how to create a TypeTag from a type that is serializable? [duplicate]

Reflect on an ExpandoObject

Java custom annotation and dynamic loading

java android reflection

Get AS3 instance method reference from Class object

Invoking a method via reflection with generics and overrides

Using C# dynamic method for an object

About the performance of c# delegate creation

c# reflection delegates

Where are the sources of sun.reflect?

java reflection

How to make method reference in attribute parameter

c# .net reflection

Print the values of the parameters up the stack trace

Get Entity by Name

Method works in reflection but doesn't in "normal way" in Java

java reflection

ParameterInfo properties, attributes and out ref parameters of the methods