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What are layout and size of a managed class's header in unmanaged memory?




Recently, in this question, I've asked how to get a raw memory address of class in C# (it is a crude unreliable hack and a bad practice, don't use it unless you really need it). I've succeeded, but then a problem arose: according to this article, first 2 words in the class raw memory representation should be pointers to SyncBlock and RTTI structures, and therefore the first field's address must be offset by 2 words [8 bytes in 32-bit systems, 16 bytes in 64-bit systems] from the beginning. However, when I dump first bytes from memory at the object location, first field's raw offset from the object's address is only 1 32-bit word (4 bytes), which doesn't make any sense for both types of systems. From the question I've linked:

class Program
    // Here is the function.
    // I suggest looking at the original question's solution, as it is 
    // more reliable.
    static IntPtr getPointerToObject(Object unmanagedObject)
        GCHandle gcHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(unmanagedObject, GCHandleType.WeakTrackResurrection);
        IntPtr thePointer = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(GCHandle.ToIntPtr(gcHandle));
        return thePointer;
    class TestClass
        uint a = 0xDEADBEEF;
    static void Main(string[] args)
        byte[] cls = new byte[16];

        var test = new TestClass();

        var thePointer = getPointerToObject(test);
        Marshal.Copy(thePointer, cls, 0, 16); //Dump first 16 bytes...


/* Example output (yours should be different):

That field's value is "EF-BE-AD-DE", 0xDEADBEEF as it is stored in memory. Yay, we found it!

Why is so? Maybe I've just got the address wrong, but how and why? And if I didn't, what could be wrong anyway? Maybe, if that article is wrong, I simply misunderstood what managed class header looks like? Or maybe it doesn't have that Lock pointer - but why and how is this possible?..

(These are, obviously, only a few possible options, and, while I'm still going to carefully check each one I can predict, wild guessing cannot compare in both time and accuracy to a correct answer.)

like image 944
DeFazer Avatar asked Nov 19 '15 14:11


Video Answer

1 Answers

@HansPassant brilliantly pointed out that the pointer for the object in question points to the second structure, the method table. Now that totally makes sense for performance reasons, as the method table (RTTI structure) is used far more often than the SyncRoot structure, which, therefore, is still located right before it at the negative index -1. He made it clear that he doesn't want to post this answer so I'm posting it myself, but the credit still goes to him.

But I would like to remind that this is a dirty unreliable hack, possibly making the system unstable:

Beyond the pinning problem, other nasty issues are not having any idea how long the object is and how the fields are arranged.

You should use the debugger instead, unless you understand all the consequences, understand exactly what you are trying to do and really need to do it - using this, dirty and unreliable, way.

like image 151
DeFazer Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 22:10
