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Create instance with type object during runtime [duplicate]

What is the most efficient performance-wise way of associating information with a 'Type' object in .Net?

c# .net reflection

java reflection call methods of an already loaded object

How can I find out what a method's visibility is via reflection?

How to check if an object has a stored property?

ios swift reflection

What is the reason behind setAccessible method of AccessibleObject class have a boolean parameter?

java reflection signature

Using Java reflection to create eval() method

java reflection

How to programmatically import Java class

java reflection

Finding all classes containing a method in C#

c# reflection

Class.forName casts

java class reflection casting

Should BaseType of System.Object be the same as interfaces? [duplicate]

c# .net reflection types

Determine the name of a constant based on the value

c# .net reflection constants

Specifying generic collection type param at runtime (Java Reflection)

java reflection

What C#/Linq code copies all matching property name values between two objects without knowing their type?

c# reflection

getting the name of the calling method

vb.net reflection

Check if object has method in Java?

Why does reflection not perform well in .NET?

.net performance reflection

How to load an assembly without using Assembly.Load?

c# .net reflection assemblies

Get generic type for java.util.Map parameter

java generics reflection map

Access a private field for a junit test