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New posts in react-context

What is the right way to use new React hook useContext?

React Context API Seems to re-render every component

React 16.3.* context Provider Err: Expected string or class/func but got: Object

Update react context outside of a consumer?

React Context - setState with onClick inside Consumer

React Context not working with server side rendering

reactjs react-context

Is there any practical way to call `React.createContext()` within a component?

Replicate React Context in Nodejs

React - New Context API not working with Class.contextType, but works with Context.Consumer

reactjs react-context

React Context and Next JS

React useContext() performance, useContext inside custom hook

Update state from deeply nested component without re-rendering parents

Cancel all subscriptions in a useEffect cleanup function created by Context.Consumer

Unit testing: react context api with enzyme return an empty object

Combine Reducer without Redux

Redirect React Router from Context Provider