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How to redirect user when clicking on a Chart element

TypeError: Cannot read property 'defaults' of undefined when using the react wrapper of chartjs

react-chartjs chart renders without colors

Chart.js with React

React-Native Bar chart Customized

How to show data values or index labels in ChartJs (Latest Version)

Is it possible to set up 0 as a minimum number for bar chart? react-chart.js-2

scattered graph with xAxes of date react-chratjs-2

React ChartJS prevent new data from being added into state after it's redrawn?

Chart js data to start at zero

chart.js react-chartjs

Make a horizontal bar using react-chartjs-2

How to set options in react-chartjs-2?

Chartjs 2 scaling lots of data points

chart.js react-chartjs

Chart JS plugin to change line color depending on value

Can't resize react-chartjs-2 doughnut chart

Add text inside doughnut chart from chart js-2 in react

Chart.js2 Radar, how to configure the label padding/spacing?

Chartjs treemap example

How to create stacked bar chart using react-chartjs-2?

chart.js react-chartjs

ReactJS how to render a component only when scroll down and reach it on the page?