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New posts in rdbms

Performance of querying relational data with document-based nosql (mongodb, couchdb, and riak, etc)

mongodb couchdb rdbms riak nosql

Does the foreign keys automatically get updated as primary table is updated?

Are products like SQL Server and Oracle examples of an "ORDBMS"?

Liquibase VARCHAR2 length in chars

Oracle and SQLServer function evaluation in queries

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What does Codd's 'non-subversion rule' mean?

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Sqoop import as OrC file

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The difference between a 'view' and 'base' relation

database rdbms

“Relation” versus “relationship” in RDBMS/SQL?

Recommendation for an in-memory database [closed]

Do numerical primary keys of deleted records in a database get reused for future new records?

When to switch from Spreadsheet to RDBMS?

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Studying MySQL, SQLite source code to learn about RDBMS implementation [closed]

mysql database sqlite rdbms

Reconciliation during Dataphor's registration of libraries


How to divide responsibility between LDAP and RDBMS

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How to effectively store a high amount of rows in a database

Composite Foreign Key Constraint via PhpMyAdmin?

How would one represent scheduled events in an RDBMS?