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how does qmake determine the compiler to use in Makefile?

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How do I convert QMap<QString, QMap<QString, int> > to a QVariant?

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BitBlt in Qt4?

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Notification about exceptions in QtConcurrent::run

Qt - How to convert from QObject to UI elements?

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how to connect QActions to SLOTS using qt designer

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QWidget::geometry() vs. QWidget::frameGeometry()

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QT 4.8.5 compile issues using MinGW GCC 4.8.1

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Moving items up and down in a QListWidget?

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QLineEdit::textEdited() equivalent in QTextEdit?

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Retrieving row count from QSqlQuery, but got -1

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Qt 5 produce random attribute order in XML

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QDialog remove title bar

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In Qt, how to show keyboard shortcuts in menu but disable them?

Is there a way to be notified when a property changes in a QObject?

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Making File Dialog only accept directories

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How to keep static const variable as a member of a class

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Unable to write a std::wstring into wofstream

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QObject based class has a queued connection to itself

Is it possible to work with Qt4 projects in Visual Studio 2012 using add-ins?