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What's the difference in behaviour between :func: and :meth: roles in Python Sphinx?

How to override English labels inserted by Sphinx

how to document cython function on readthedocs

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How can I provide Sphinx documentation for a namedtuple (with autodoc)?

Custom Syntax Highlighting with Sphinx

What is the difference between var, cvar and ivar in python's sphinx?

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Can't get sphinx to link under toctree to another document

Getting Github individual file contributors

How do I prevent sphinx from making a url a hyperlink?

sphinx not to include source code during build

python python-sphinx

How can I reverse order the toctree provided by the "glob" flag option?

sphinx severe: unexpected section title -- arbitrary headings in function docstring

View reStructuredText (Sphinx) docstrings in iPython?

How to disable highlighting in html output


Python: docstrings and type annotations

python python-sphinx

Python command line program: generate man page from existing documentation and include in the distribution

Document python using Eclipse/Pydev

RTL support in Python Sphinx

How should I document class and object attributes using Numpy's style? [closed]

Can I render HTML on GitLab?

html git gitlab python-sphinx