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New posts in python-module

python import path for sub modules if put in namespace package

Pythonic way to write package for easy importing

why does importing a module executes all statements in python?

Why can't a module be a context manager (to a 'with' statement)?

Python Module for Session Management

Modify namespace of importing script in Python

Installing Python 2.7 for all users on SLES 11

How to override stuff in a package at runtime?

Is definition order available in a module namespace?

Any way to highlight pdf document for given words via Python?

Can I use abstract methods to import file-specific formatting of (Python) pandas data?

Difficulty installing PyEnchant module on a Mac using Python 2.7

How to import from sibling module in a package?

What form of imports should I use in __main__.py and then how should I run the project?

How do I avoid naming clashes within Python's module system?

Python "header.py" module

Running python script without installed libraries