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How to get jira project issues total count faster using jira-python?

How to add watcher to JIRA ticket using JIRA python API

Catching a jira-python exception

Using Jira's Python API, how can I set the epic link for an issue?

Jira python set custom field

Access specific information within worklogs in jira-python

python jira python-jira

python JIRA connection with proxy

Python JIRA client returning 401 error

jira-python - how do you update the fixVersions field?

AttributeError: 'Magic' object has no attribute 'cookie' while using python-jira

Authenticate to JIRA with gmail in python

python jira return the content of a filter


python : cannot import name JIRA

Get fields from a specific Jira issue

Is it possible to change jira issue status with python-jira?