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New posts in python-imaging-library

How can I create an empty n*m PNG file in Python?

How can I install PIL on mac os x 10.7.2 Lion

List of Image "modes"

gcc error trying to install PIL in a Python2.6 virtualenv

PIL: DLL load failed: specified procedure could not be found

How to Split Image Into Multiple Pieces in Python

Convert RGB to black OR white

PIL: Convert Bytearray to Image

Image.show() won't display the picture

Python PIL has no attribute 'Image'

python PIL draw multiline text on image

Python Imaging Library - Text rendering

Convert an image RGB->Lab with python

Trouble using python PIL library to crop and save image

TypeError: Image data can not convert to float

Getting list of pixel values from PIL

What is the fastest way to draw an image from discrete pixel values in Python?

How do I generate circular thumbnails with PIL?

What is the difference between Image.resize and Image.thumbnail in Pillow-Python

How does perspective transformation work in PIL?