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New posts in python-imaging-library

How to crop or remove white background from an image

How can I draw text with different stroke and fill colors on images with python?

Is there a way to outline text with a dark line in PIL?

how to go form django image field to PIL image and back?

Upload resized image to S3

PIL Best Way To Replace Color?

Installing PIL on OS X Snow Leopard w/Xcode4 (no PPC support)

Installing Pillow/PIL on Mavericks

How can I print Hindi sentences(unicode) on image in Python?

Stacking astronomy images with Python

How to find subimage using the PIL library?

How to paste an image onto a larger image using Pillow?

How to install PIL on Mac OSX 10.5.8 for Google App Engine?

How to resize the new uploaded images using PIL before saving?

Image outline using python/PIL


Is there a way to specify the width of a rectangle in PIL?

Convert images to webP using Pillow

PIL Drawing a semi-transparent square overlay on image

Pillow: strange behavior using Draw.rectangle

How to integrate SimpleGUI with Python 2.7 and 3.0 shell