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Spring MVC response Headers: ETag has double quotes for GET request but not for PUT request

spring spring-mvc get put etag

How HTTP PUT should work

http rest put

Lift REST service not recognizing PUT request

api scala rest lift put

How is the PUT request in this example using subresource is processed by JAX-RS run time?

jakarta-ee jersey jax-rs put

Why responses to PUT requests MUST NOT provide an ETag?

rest http put etag rfc

Laravel 5: put, patch and delete requests without using Form builder

Android Intents - putExtra, what happens with multiple occurances?

android android-intent put

Boto DynamoDB2 conditional put_item

python conditional boto put

No HTTP resource error when doing PUT/POST [CORS issue - AngularJS + Web API 2]

File Upload via HTTP PUT Request

How to create a GET, POST, and PUT request in Swift?

ios swift post get put

PHP CURL PUT from file path

php curl put

How to upload a file with PUT in HTTPie

http upload put httpie

Angular 4.3 HttpClient put doesn't fire [duplicate]

angular request httpclient put

How can I resolve 401 unauthorized in angular?

Why use PUT methods? [duplicate]

http post put

Vimeo API : streaming upload using HTTP PUT and blueimp's jQuery fileupload

php jquery file-upload vimeo put

How to inspect the payload of a guzzle request

Upload a file using an API PUT request

php curl upload request put