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New posts in push-api

How do I install both a service worker and a manifest with a single Javascript tag?

Is it possible to use the new Push Notifications support in Chrome without GCM?

Chrome Push Notifications endpoint + user identification

Service Workers from an iframe for Chrome GCM notifications for web

Service Worker not prompting to be registered - net::ERR_FILE_EXISTS

How to add analytics for Push notifications

Firefox Push API - AbortError: Error retrieving push subscription

getSubscription returns a null subscription

How to de-duplicate notifications between native and progressive web app?

Refresh scripts imported with importScripts in service worker

What are the difference between `pushManager.subscribe` and `pushManager.getSubscription` Service Worker's

Web Push API - storing subscriptions in backend

How to do feature detection for Web Push?

PushManager subscription promise never fulfill nor reject

GCM registration id in Service Worker in Push Notification for chrome

Google Chrome Silent Push Notifications

How to remotely dismiss notifications using web push notifications?

Make Web push notification work using webview in a native android app?

How can I do push notifications in an HTML5 Web application?