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New posts in prototype

Passing in number, Number.prototype.format

Javascript Array Member Variable is Undefined with Prototype method

Prototypal inheritance in JavaScript: I don't usually need calling the constructor of Parent object assigned to Child.prototype

create function in javascript with custom prototype

A (somewhat obscure) Javascript inheritance question

Object class comes twice in prototype chain of DOMWindow?

What is the `constructor` property really used for? [duplicate]

Angularjs: how to extend Javascript class?

angularjs prototype

How to push objects into array inside of a JavaScript Prototype?

Define prototype for {...} objects only

Why is a monad prototype required for Douglas Crockford's monad demo code?

javascript prototype monads

Anything wrong with Object.freeze() on a JavaScript prototype?

javascript object prototype

Prototype methods missing in IE via SignalR

how to use page.replace_html in rails 4

JavaScript Object.create style with existing object

javascript prototype

Attaching onClick event to Rails's link_to_function

How can I see a Javascript object's prototype chain?