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New posts in prototypal-inheritance

Prototypical inheritance without prototype?

Why does Function have both implicit and explicit prototype references, and can I set the implicit reference?

AngularJS best practices - Styleguide

Preventing infinite recursion when using Backbone-style prototypal inheritance

EXTENDS challenge: preprocessor function macros and class-like oop

Prototypal inheritance in PHP (like in JavaScript)

About the prototype object and it's role in Javascript inheritance

Is it possible to determine if an object created with Object.create inherits from Array in JavaScript?

How to avoid prototype pollution in javascript?

Prototypical Inheritance calls constructor twice

Why is obj.constructor.prototype not always equal to obj.__proto__?

JavaScript extending types return

Why defining properties in the prototype is considered an antipattern

Custom Javascript Error.toString()

How can I call a static Backbone.Model function from an instance of that model, without specifying the model name?

why does listing the actual constructor of a class in javascript important

What's the opposite of "prototype"?

Can someone explain what util.inherits does in more laymans terms?

Javascript function using "this = " gives "Invalid left-hand side in assignment"

Object.defineProperty in ES5?