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New posts in protected

C++ nested struct inheritance rules (access to protected member) [duplicate]

Derived class cannot access the protected member of the base class

c++ like protected in java [duplicate]

Protected access modifier in Java

Does static class contain only static method in java?

Difference between protected and having no access modifier [closed]

Using superclass "protected final" methods to keep common code for subclasses

How can I say "noexcept if execution of protected base constructor is noexcept"?

C# accessing protected member in derived class [duplicate]

Protected data in parent class not available in child class?

c++ protected

Is it possible to prevent Doxygen from outputting protected members?

doxygen protected

internal interface *less* accessible than an internal protected constructor?

c# internal protected

C# protected members accessed via base class variable [duplicate]

Is there a use for making a protected destructor virtual?

Ruby protected visibility calling from superclass

What is the purpose of protected modifier for static methods

C++: Is It OK to Inherit from a Class and Its Protected Member Type?

std::bind()-ing a base protected member function from a derived class's member function

How are java.lang.Object's protected methods protected from subclasses?

How do you access protected Java method in thirdparty library?

java methods protected