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New posts in proguard

Android Proguard - IllegalArgumentException in Jackson's TypeReference class

Working maven obfuscate example

maven obfuscation proguard

Java ProGuard. Class keep (do not delete) but yet allow to be obfuscated

Force Proguard to give every method in a class a unique name?

Obfuscate Parcelable classes with proguard

java android proguard

Where can I find my BuildConfig in the APK analyzer after minifying the code with ProGuard?

Android: Cant find .html file in res/raw after obfuscation

android proguard

How to deobfuscate jar file using mapping.txt generated by Proguard?

Proguard: How to keep everything except specific condition?


How to debug android app on release mode?

Avoid apk cracked [closed]

Proguard doesnt obfuscate Class name, only methods are obfuscated

Proguard stops Javascript in WebView from working

android-webview proguard

Cannot fix Android Proguard Returned with error code 1 error

android proguard

Gradle adding compile dependencies to Proguard libraryjars

gradle proguard

Apps crashes after obfuscation with ProGuard

Google Play Services with Proguard in Android Studio

Proguard makes reflection with the R class in android application no longer work

java android release proguard

Proguard breaking audio file in assets or raw

Proguard obfuscating Annotations