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New posts in pre-trained-model

Pre train a model (classifier) in scikit learn

Error when loading FastText's french pre-trained model with gensim

Does keras have a pretrained AlexNet like VGG19?

Why do I have to do two train steps for fine-tuning InceptionV3 in Keras?

Accuracy Stuck at 50% Keras

ValueError: `decode_predictions` expects a batch of predictions (i.e. a 2D array of shape (samples, 1000)). Found array with shape: (1, 7)

Fine Tuning Pretrained Model MobileNet_V2 in Pytorch

VGG16 trained on grayscale imagenet

How to save a trained model (Estimator) and Load it back to test it with data in Tensorflow?

Duplicate node name in graph: 'conv2d_0/kernel/Adam'

How can I load a partial pretrained pytorch model?

Modify trained model architecture and continue training Keras

Data Preprocessing for NLP Pre-training Models (e.g. ELMo, Bert)

how to load the gpu trained model into the cpu?

Loading Torch7 trained models (.t7) in PyTorch

How to choose which pre-trained weights to use for my model?

Download pretrained ImageNet model of ResNet, VGG, etc. (.PB file)

TypeError: ('Keyword argument not understood:', 'data_format')

keras pre-trained-model