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store the output of powershell command in a variable

powershell batch-file

FORFILES date -after- (date calc in cmd file)

How to output errors to a log file in powershell when copying files

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Remove white space from PowerShell output

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Remove Empty Lines From Powershell Output


What is a difference between > operator and Set-Content cmdlet


Identify which parameter is passed when running a script

How to get the creation time for each file and format it

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PowerShell: Can't catch UnauthorizedAccessException thrown by get-content

How to find out: Domain Administrator or Not?


How to find a desktop window (by window name) in Windows 8.1 Update 2 OS, using the Win32 API FindWindow() in PowerShell environment?

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PowerShell - regex to get string between two strings

Creating Registry Keys with Powershell

Does PowerShell have an Infinity value


Split text by columns in PowerShell

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Extend JSON with another in PowerShell

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Create C# dll and use method with powershell

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Freeze the top row of a worksheet

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Run script on powershell exit

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