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How to create cell with multiple styles in excel using HSSFSheet Apache POI?

How to search an Excel sheet for a specific date using Apache POI?

java excel apache-poi poi-hssf

Increase the maximum length of HSSFCell in java

java poi-hssf

Getting error "Your InputStream was neither an OLE2 stream, nor an OOXML stream" when created file through apache POI

How can we read protected password excel file (.xls) with POI API

apache-poi poi-hssf

apache poi: saving jtable to a file

Is there any alternate way to avoid deprecation in Apache POI, for HSSF built-in colors?

Creating excel sheet from template in Java, new versions of Excel

HSSF POI : How to know if data in cell is of Type Date?

java apache-poi poi-hssf

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Your InputStream was neither an OLE2 stream, nor an OOXML stream

java xls xssf poi-hssf

Convert csv to xls/xlsx using Apache poi?

How do I get the (Java Apache POI HSSF) Background Color for a given cell?

java apache-poi poi-hssf hssf

Adding border to a merged region in POI XSSF workbook

java apache-poi xssf poi-hssf

Java POI: How to find an Excel cell with a string value and get its position (row) to use that position to find another cell

java excel apache-poi poi-hssf

How to know number of sheets in a workbook?

Reading string value from Excel with HSSF but it's double

java excel apache-poi poi-hssf

Delete an excel sheet using Apache POI

java apache-poi poi-hssf

POI / Excel : applying formulas in a "relative" way

java excel apache-poi poi-hssf

Reading date values from excel cell using POI HSSF API

java excel apache-poi poi-hssf

Setting foreground color for HSSFCellStyle is always coming out black

java apache-poi poi-hssf