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New posts in plpgsql

Trigger to update a column on update

Postgres : create function in a particular database

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Return multiple columns and rows from a function PostgreSQL instead of record

Calculate number of rows affected by batch query in PostgreSQL

Return a select from a plpgsql function

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postgresql plpgsql

How to return a value from a function if no value is found

Access and return result from INSERT INTO in PL/pgSQL function

Constraints and Assertions in PostgreSQL

Handling EXCEPTION and return result from function

EXECUTE...INTO...USING statement in PL/pgSQL can't execute into a record?

EXPLAIN ANALYZE within PL/pgSQL gives error: "query has no destination for result data"

sql postgresql plpgsql explain

Function to return dynamic set of columns for given table

Query plan caching with pl/pgsql

PostgreSQL - Function with local variables - Column reference is ambiguous

plpgsql text[] varchar[] array not working

PostgreSQL equivalent of Oracle "bulk collect"

postgresql plpgsql

How to use a array loop in pgSQL

arrays postgresql plpgsql

Declaring the tuple structure of a record in PL/pgSQL

Trigger for checking a given value before INSERT or UPDATE on PostgreSQL