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Return multiple columns and rows from a function PostgreSQL instead of record

I was reading online about function on PostgreSQL and returns results In this links:

  1. SQL function return-type: TABLE vs SETOF records
  2. How do I reference named parameters in Postgres sql functions?
  3. http://www.postgresqltutorial.com/plpgsql-function-returns-a-table/

I have written this Function:

create or replace function brand_hierarchy(account_value int)
  RETURNS table (topID INTEGER, accountId INTEGER, liveRowCount bigint,archiveRowCount bigint)
  SELECT * FROM my_client_numbers
where accountId  = coalesce($1,accountId);

Which works and return the results in a single column Type of record. Note that might more than one row will return.

Now the response is:


I would like to get my results not as a record but as multiple columns

| topID   |accountId|liveRowCount|archiveRowCount |
| 1172    |1172     | 1011       |  0             |
| 1172    |1412     | 10         |  40            |

Is there a way to return multiple columns from a PostgreSQL function

like image 706
2Big2BeSmall Avatar asked Jan 02 '23 16:01


2 Answers

Functions returning a table (or setof) should be used in the FROM clause:

select * 
from brand_hierarchy(1234)
like image 77
a_horse_with_no_name Avatar answered Jan 09 '23 05:01


I was able to see it as expected with this query:

SELECT * FROM brand_hierarchy (id)
like image 35
2Big2BeSmall Avatar answered Jan 09 '23 03:01
