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is it ok to use plinq ForAll for a bulk insert into database?

c# .net linq .net-4.0 plinq

How do I get lazy loading with PLINQ?

c# lazy-loading plinq

How to use IObservable/IObserver with ConcurrentQueue or ConcurrentStack

does PLINQ preserve the original order in a sequence?

c# plinq

Equivalent of do() while{} in Parallel

Can PLINQ or TPL suffocate .net thread pool and IIS request processing queue?

c# .net multithreading plinq

parallel linq: AsParallel().forAll() nulls some objects

c# .net linq plinq

Combining PLINQ with Async method

Plinq gives different results from Linq - what am I doing wrong?

c# linq plinq

Silverlight 4 PLINQ

.net silverlight plinq

Task vs AsParallel()

c# task plinq

Pitfalls of trying to use PLINQ over long-running generators?

c# system.reactive plinq

Why is my AsOrdered PLINQ query faster than my unordered one

c# .net plinq

Why PLinq doesn't support more than 63 parallel threads?

Application hangs using PLINQ AsParallel(). No problems with LINQ

c# linq plinq

Why would OutOfMemoryException be thrown while using PLINQ Take()?

AsParallel() executing sequentially

Threading, CultureInfo .net , TPL, PLINQ

Parallel Foreach Memory Issue

.net multithreading plinq

Modification of a local variable to null, via another thread, how is that possible